The Curious Caml
An interview podcast that revolves around finding clarity and entertainment through methodical banter. The conversation is the "Caml" in the room. A vehicle if you will, that transports all involved to a cerebral destination. Courtesy of the Caml. The goal of this podcast is to share ideas, spark creative thoughts, and promote solutions for listeners and panelists alike.
The Curious Caml
Nutrition; its relationship to wellbeing and mental health
Soccer coach, marketing professional, and wellness teacher Perry Bagwell is featured on this episode of The Curious Caml Podcast. The topic of this episode revolves around the human experience and well-being. Well-being is 100% a subjective experience. Perry and I focused our discussion on the wholesome growth connected to feeding your body what it needs. Nutrition and well-being are about more than dietary habits. One must consider what they feed their mind and spirit as well. You are what you eat. Just as you are what you do. Be mindful of your daily habits as they may consume you!
I would like to thank Perry for his presence on this show. His modesty and professionalism are supreme!