The Curious Caml

A Curious Caml's Birthday

Jamal Season 1 Episode 14

After one year of podcasting, I share my love and joy for creating content in this episode. Starting this podcast has opened many doors for me. I have been prompted access to select circles that will further my professional life. I guess this is what the old heads call "the fruits of your labor." Anyhow, in this episode, I explain why it is important to nourish your hobbies. Equally important, you must maintain the faith you have in yourself. There will be naysayers and doubters. So long as you believe in yourself, you love what you do, and you solve other people's problems the fruits of your labor will return to you!

One year of podcasting and I have to say I love my listeners. You guys give me constant feedback and information. Truly this podcast is nothing without your support. I have something special for you guys coming soon. I'll do my best to deliver a project worthy of your interest 

Sincerely, The Caml